At the moment, my company command squad is looking a little bare. There's only the commander and his chimera. I'm planning to pad it out with veterans, specialists and advisers.
Long term, I've got quite big plans for the company. I'm planning to build it up to a full infantry company with four platoons. The first will be a veteran platoon made up of 5 veteran squads and a command squad. The second and third will be standard infantry platoons, the 2nd platoon are almost finished already. The fourth final platoon will be a support platoon made up of heavy weapons.
It may seem strange to have such grand plans, but I'm looking at how the army will grow over the next 6 years or so. I figure that's how long it'll take them to redo the codex. This sort of idea may be a bit alien to some of you out there, but I've been in the hobby for over two decades so far. Guard weren't my first army, I have quite a few for both 40k and fantasy as well as quite a bit of specialist stuff. But I do love my guard, and I figure I'm going to be playing with them until I get old, so I figure I've got another three decades at least ahead of me.
I'd better get painting ...