Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Harker - planning and preparation

Here starts 1st platoon, a group of hardened veterans who get the job done. It seems fitting that I start a project with something special, and so I'm going to start this one with Veteran Sgt Harker. I picked up the GW model as part of my first months rewards for quitting smoking, but to be honest, I don't like him that much. I don't want to use a different model as I don't think the current cadians or catachens really work as Harker but I do want to do some work on the existing model to make him a bit different.

The problem is that he's a bit too beef cake and not enough professional soldier. First off, I just don't see a bare chested guy fitting into a city fight army, a beach volleyball team yes, an urban combat army no. So, I'm going to cover him up a bit and give him a t-shirt. Next up is the fact that he can infiltrate and has stealth and yet there's nothing on the model to convey these attributes, so I'll be giving him a camo cloak. Finally is his mohican haircut, it just doesn't fit the feel of a veteran sgt, and so I'm going to give him a beret as that has more of a special forces feel than just a bald head. Before I can do any of that, I needed to do a bit of work on him, mainly removing the pouch and strap that run over his chest and down his back. After 5 minutes with a pair of clippers and my dremel, I was left with ....

It's a bit rough but that's not a problem as it's going to be covered by the green stuff t-shirt, which is my next job. So now it's time to give my new sculpting tools and a clay shapers a go, more on Harker coming soon guys.


Tolcrothlogan said...

Totally agree, I think the Catechans are kinda ridiculous looking, look at any of the indiginous jungle people on earth like Montagnards etc, theyre skinny liitle guys due to the heat and borderline malnutrition going back generations!

Next (Controversial) look at the UKSF guys and compare them to their US counterparts they look like professional soldiers not gym bunnies and they are best in the world!

So bearing that in mind, is your ideal of military professionalism being influenced by you experiences in the British Army? I kow mine is.....

Tolcrothlogan said...

PS, ref Montagnards, I should have said skinny but hard as bloody nails.

Col. Hessler said...

Looking forward to see how your sculpting tools work out. I am in the market for a set myself. This is a good follow up to the awesome GS post.


Green Stuff Sculpting said...

Sounds like a plan, I can't wait to see how Harker turns out. What colour is his Beret going to be, Cream?

Max said...

Yeah, I didn't like the Harker model too much either... that's why I went for one from Heresy Miniatures. Looks a bit Mad Max but will hopefully get the job done as I finally finish him up.

Blitzspear said...

Spooky i was thinking of this figure today at work and how i could do my own. I'm not a big fan of this one either! for pritty much the same reasons. Cept the mohawk althow it's so close cropped it shouldn't count as one lol. The reason i was thinking about it was my attempt to sculpt a boosh hat last night and wondering what that head would look good on. I'll blog it tonight and see what ya all think.

Stephen said...

truth be told, I've not much cared for that model either. Nice job so far though. Looking forward to the finished product.

Tristan M said...

Anybody not liking the Harker model, I would recommend the old orlock necromunda heavy bolter model. He'd fit in perfectly with any IG army (but even especially catachan) and look a little different to the harker model.

I happen to have two and keep hunting for a buddy with an IG army to take one.

Gotthammer said...

Best use of the model I've seen is painting him up a as a fool pitying BA, it suited him to a T. Theough afterwoulds he wouldn't get on no Valkyrie.

But yours sounds good too.

the other Kevin said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your work here. I've got an unpainted proxy from the old Gaunt's Ghosts set. Similiar pose, not as beefy, and already has a shirt and hat on.

Zzzzzz said...

Like others, I agree with your ideas about what Harker could/should be. Watching with interest.

Hudson said...

My Harker is a girl. Her name is Vasquez :)

TheKing Elessar said...

I disliked it enough to convert a plastic one from primarily Cadian bits, and a SM Scout Heavy Bolter with arms. Naturally, he got a beret. :D

Mark said...

I have yet to field Harker, although I had in mind to make a nasty looking large-frame Skitarii with a built-in HB. Doing this so he wouldn't resemble a simpleton gun servitor, that's the hard part....

Col. Corbane said...

@Tolc - I'm not thinking SAS mate, more para. I think I'll use Elysians for the Spec ops. I'm going for a more been in the shit sort of look. And yes, our past experience does drive my modelling.

@Col. Hessler - Have a look for Am Tech wax carvers mate, they're great.

@GSS - Cream, he's not a paymaster mate ;-) I'm actually thinking it's either going to be red or black, I'm just not sure yet.

@Max - I'll look forward to see him done mate.

@Blitzspear - Great minds mate, can't wait to see your sculpting.

@Stephen - Fingers crossed it'll turn out ok and I don't botch it up.

@Tristan - I remember him, he's a cracking model.

@Gotthammer - PMSL, did it have a milk bottle on the base.

@to Kevin - I know that guy although I just can't remember his name even though I've read the books :-(

@zzzzzz - Here's hoping he turns out ok, I'm feeling like I've set myself up for a fall on this one.

@Hudson - But would you date her? I'm not sure I could go out with a girl who's harder than me.

@TK Elessar - There's no a lot of love for the GW model.

@2501 - Interesting challenge mate, I'll look forward to seeing how you pull it off.