I am a little concerned about how long he took as I've still got to do the cloaks on another sniper and my marbo model. We're already a third way through the time for this challenge and I'm getting a little worried that I might spoil the model by rushing it.
Better get back to mixing some green stuff, time's ticking.
PS - I've got my first tournament tomorrow, I'm packed and ready to issue some whoop-arsing!
you can also try to make a "sheet" of green stuff and put it as the cloack instead of making many little "snakes" of green. This will also looks more "light", less "heavy". And if you're experiancing problems you can still use the failled sheet atempt to make more little snakes. Your cloak is great, the sheet method is (for me) faster.
The cloak you have pictured here looks good. I would see if you can find a happy medium between what you're currently doing and what Gregory said in his comments. Best of luck.
Great cloak! The weight of it seems good to me, a sniper want's a cloak that won't blow off him in the wind after all. That sheet method does sound time saving though...
Best of luck in the tournament!
I think it looks great, especially for a first attempt at "proper sculpting" as you said. I'm sure as you do more cloaks on your other models they'll just look better and better.
And don't let the challenge deadlines make you compromise on quality! The awesome factor of the sculpted cloaks should make up for them possibly being late.
awesome. are you making him into a cadian?
Mike at SCW
I'm with Darkwing.
Looks great though, and good luck with the tournament!
Fantastic work! I'm going to have to try that method the next time I make a cloak - the extra time spent is definitely worth it! Keep it up!
That is a great looking cloak. Much nicer than the one's I did for my novamarine scouts.
great work and congrats on a succesful first sculpt. this should give you the confidence to tackle the other two models now, and leave marbo till last so he's the best!
Thanks guys.
@Gregory - I did try the sheet method first, but it just didn't work out. It didn't hang naturally and I ended up with GS everywhere but where I wanted it. I think the snake technique gives you a little more control even if it does take a little longer to do.
@Darkwing & Drax - I actually managed to do the second sniper in 30 minutes. All I've got to do now is finish off Marbo's cloak and pistol tonight leaving me with 5 days to paint up the 7 models. Hopefully, I'll hit the deadline without compromising the quality of the paint job - fingers crossed!
@Capitol - Well, I've removed the jungle camo, but I'm not adding shoulder pads or sleeves as I think the cloaks will tie them together nicely.
I did ok at the tournament, I got one win and two draws giving me 4th overall. Not bad for my first tournament, even if I say so myself.
Holy carp, that cloak turned out fantastic! Any chance of getting a tutorial on how you managed it?
Good luck with the tournament, BTW.
I've tried the sheet some, and while this looks a bit heavier and could perhaps use some smoothing, it looks better than my first 'sheets.'
All things considered, it's pretty sharp looking for a first shot at cloaks.
For snipers and weight, though? I'd rather err on heavy rather than "Oh, a breeze lifted my cloak, and...aw, hell. Gotta run..."
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