So, with that in mind, I decided to come up with my own as part of the latest TOEMP challenge. I wanted to keep pushing myself, so with that in mind, I decided that I wanted each one to tell a story so to speak, I also wanted to give fuse wire ago.
This is what I came up with .....
Spec Op liason team (Naval Officer)
I see these guys co-ordinating the special forces operating behind the lines delaying the enemies reinforcements.
Forward Spotter (MoO)
Signals Detachment (Astropath)

I quite pleased with this one as it involved the most wire work, I really had to think how I was going to pull this off. I haven't thought that hard about cables since I was in the signals - lol.
Hope you like them guys, I'm starting to paint them tonight, so wip pics coming soon.
Hope you like them guys, I'm starting to paint them tonight, so wip pics coming soon.
Those are very, VERY cool - a fantastic idea and they are all very well modeled to represent their roles. Can't wait to see them painted!
...I need to sit down and finish my command squad/advisors too. Cheers to a fellow Guard player!
Wow. Really cool. I have to say that mine now look a bit pathetic - I have envy... :D
Looking good!
very good job
totalement dans l'esprit de la garde
I may have to uh.... er... "borrow" some of these ideas. I didn't know how to convert a MoO or an astropath, but you have given me some really good ideas. Thanks!
Awesome conversions! Perfect idea for a spec ops forces or something of the sort. Love it!
Thoroughly awesome, exceptionally characterful and well thought out conversions! Top stuff! Can't wait to see these guys painted! :D
They look great, a much better idea than the GW ones. I just think theyre more fitting than some whacko in a robe and a square in a suit...and more likely to be on the field of battle.
That's really, really creative.
Great ideas,
Cool, another idea to copy in my own force !
Great conversions, and such a fresh take on the Regimental Advisors, too! I bet they'll look great all painted up on the table, they're really characterful little scenes all on their own.
These are really great poses. Excellent realization. Its inspiring and I've already converted my advisors!
these look really fantastic, really creative work!
Really cool. I especially like the Signals Detachment guy. I might have to steal that idea.
Nice, very nice. Those are the most original and kick ass advisers I have seen yet.
Now I have to figure out something like that...
Wow, great ideas and excellent realisation of those!
Am I the only one who likes original GW advisors? :P
Wow man! those are great!
i kinda liked the advisors (well at least the MoO) but now i might have to convert up some of these for myself! nice job!
wow - I wasn't expecting a response like this. Cheers guys, glad you liked them.
I'm in the process of painting them up at the moment, pics coming soon.
genius! this is a great spin off on the advisers. great use of combining all those bitz to create a very characterful unit. Keep up the great work!
I was going to pop in and just give a hearty "nice job", but after twenty comments, I guess you already know that!
Oh, Mel,
These are simply fantastic! SO true to life!
You need an extra chap though, to go at the back. He's the one making a brew...
Wow they look absolutely fantasic! I made a similar Officer of the Fleet from the tank commander sprue and also MoO. I just happened to have a spare Astropath from Daemonhunters (remember them? :P ). I must also salute the fact that they're all practically plastic, that's my favourite way to have an army! Can't wait to see the painting...
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