Saturday, 31 October 2009

October Parade Ground recruits

This is the first of a regular monthly feature where I'll showcase this months additions to The Parade Ground bloglist. So here's this months recruits fresh on the parade ground.

Imperial Armour - an excellent blog full of Guard and FoW stuff. Check out his troopers, they're really life like and very well painted.

WH40K Imperial Naval Infantry - a project blog based on the Imperial Navy, it's got some excellent concepts, can't wait to see how they turn out.

Tiberius Prime - a brand new blogger with some classic mini's. Go visit, leave him some comments, we all needed a bit of encouragement when we first started (Thanks Drax/Ron)

Why I will never have money
- if tournaments and guard are your thing, then I'd check out NemFX's blog.

A Canadian in space
- a brilliant blog full of WWI guard conversion goodness. Well worth checking out.

XIIIe Regiment de Cadia - an excellent blog full of guard and inquisition conversions. Full of gothic conversion goodness.

First rank - Fire - a blog about putting together an Imperial Navy masterclass army by two gamers. Looks

Black/Red painting studio - a painting studio blog that's got some excellent guard stuff. Check out the objective markers.

That's it for October guys, remember, if you run a guard blog or know one that isn't listed on The Parade Ground bloglist, then drop me a line or just comment on this post, and I'll get it added. As it's Halloween, I'll leave you with a few pics.

1 comment:

Admiral Drax said...

Thanks for the great new links - and what a scary bunch they are!