Sunday, 15 March 2009

End of a Cracking Weekend

Well, a bit of real world for a change. I'm settling down after what has to be a truly great weekend. It started on Friday night at the club, with a couple of cracking games with the newbie Draz. We had a good couple of small games with him winning the first and the second ending in a bloody draw. Overall, a nice easy evening especially as it ended in the pub.

Saturday saw a day shopping with my little man. First off to Wrexham for some shoes (da boring stuff) and then a trip round the various toy and model shops, I'm just like a big kid when it comes to toys - lo. After our shopping trip, we came home and just played trucks for the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes, it's nice to get away from being an adult and all the crap that comes along with it.

Once the little ones were in bed, I kissed my wife good bye and headed off to my first Poker night with the lads from gaming. Cracking night, I've never played before but I think I held my own. At one pint, it was so close, lost to a pair of bloody 3's - lol

Sunday was spent working on my video tutorial on my laptop whilst sitting in the garden watching the kids play. As I said at the start, cracking weekend.

1 comment:

Admiral Drax said...

Genius - well done you!

I did some gardening with my wife today and it felt great! Now...who says I don't know how to party, eh?

By the way, I can't find where to comment on your SUPERB tutorial video, above. But I liked it, and that's a brilliant idea about the cake stands!

- Drax.