I was just having a nose at my blog and I've just noticed that I have 101 followers. That's amazing, word's can not express how I felt when I spotted it. I mean the idea that there's over a hundred people out there who think my blog is worth the time they take reading it is outstanding.
So, thanks to all those who pass by, thanks to those who follow my blog anonymously, and a very big thanks to Niklas Öjhage, damobeepbeep, bunnyman, Mr.Esty, dylangould, Colonel Krieg, Tironum, Little Max, Marshal Argos, CrusherJoe, mark mercer, Chris, Josh Cornwell, ELYSIAN 5th REG, Blitzspear, Dom, WalrusPaladin, Jason Lotito, Akozz, HuronBH, Dj Batman, Aaron, zealot, ludoredguard, CommissarHarris, KingofKanadia, the Engineer, Rogue Pom, Kevin, Elazar The Glorified, Inquisitor Lord Aki, Kuffeh, Metcalfedan, Darkwing, bG, Tristan, Apoc, Lach, Hal, Capitola Family, Lunchbox, Oz Marshal, the other Kevin, Dezartfox, Jonathan, Chuck, Captain Neven, Col. Hessler, Big Jim, Ace_Blitzkrieg, Reds and Royals, zorcon, The AKH, Kron, Karitas, Paul Wu, rc, Magiler, Klaus Fischer, Mordian7th, Paul Chana, Luis Bermer, Wienas, Andrath, Siph_Horridus, FoxPhoenix135, Raptor1313, Rangerrob, lnolen75, Gavin Schofield, Master Darksol, Sidestreaker, elijah.wrigh, Extrac32, Anon, Will ....
and finally t6T_NXRhz4unu_0_fQC.qydo0.nDcw-- ????
Thanks for following guys.
Wow, Colonel, that's a great achievement! I have less than half that many. So what's this I hear about you taking a break from painting guardsman? You can do that?!?
Well done, you. It's well deserved and here's to the next hundred.
Not a problem, you have a great blog that is insightful and is updated regularly (something I need to work on). Keep up the good work, even if you need to take a break from painting and play more games. for a while.
Excellent news Col.Corbane! It goes to show what an impact our FtW sites are having :)
Well done! That's like 10x as many people as follow mine :)
(with good reason)
Congrats, sir.
Congratulations mate, must have been a b***h to type out all those names... :P
WTG on the 101! In case you haven't noticed, I've been I've been a bit lax with the blogging as well. Some other things have crept into my attentions and, like yourself, I need to be motivated to sit down and paint lately.
Creativity can't be forced, it just happens. Personally, I blame the damn Chicago weather...rain for almost 2 weeks now, on & off. Ugh, I wish I was in Phoenix...
Cheers mate!
Once again, Thanks guys
That's an amazing acheivement, you should rightly be proud :)
I've been struggling of late to get anything done, work has been crazy, but i hope to remedy that soon, I miss trolling these blogs for gems like yours :)
Well for some reason, I'm not listed there, but your welcome all the same :)
Thanks for posting stuff of such quality we all what to read what your up to! I find the most motivating thing for producing good hobby is other people's good hobby so thanks for that!!
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